This Constitution as prepared by the SFSCL is provided to members of the SFSCL for all matters, circumstances or conditions that may arise now and in the future in the SFSCL and it shall be the only source of clarification to any such situations.
All matters that arise regarding the League and its existence shall be resolved with reference to this document.
All matters that arise regarding Softball Cricket as it’s played in the SFSCL shall be resolved with this document and The ICC – Standard One Day International Match Playing Conditions.
Article 1 Definitions of terms as used in the Constitution
Article 2 Entity: Name, Address, Fiscal Year, Colors and Motto
Article 3 Existence: Purpose, Objective, Authority and Autonomy
Article 4 Members, Registration, Team, Players, Honorary Member, Active Participation,
Representation, Voting Rights, Fees, Agreement, Right of Refusal, Responsibility,
Order of business, Record Keeping, Accuracy, and General Conduct
Article 5 The Memberships, Membership Book, Non-Transferability of Membership,
Termination of Members.
Article 6 Executive Body, Qualifications, Responsibilities.
Article 7 Committees, Disciplinary Committee, and Selection Committee
Article 8 Elections, Meetings, Quorum of Meetings
Article 9 Uniform, Logos
Article 10 Limitation of Liability, Limits of Affiliation, Seclusion of the Organization
Article 11 Amendments, Dissolution.
Article 12 General Guidelines, Registration.
Article 13 Disciplinary Guidelines
Article 14 Complaints and Protests, Appeals, Disqualifications Suspension or No-Shows
Article 15 Official Game, Start of Game, Delays to Start of Game or Resumption of Game,
Rescheduling, Playoffs, Intervals.
Article 16 Score Sheets, Statistics
Article 17 Permanent Objects Obstructions
Article 18 Equipment, Cricket Balls, Cricket Bats
Article 19 Bowling End
Article 20 Cricket Ground, the Pitch, the Wickets, and the Batting, Bowling, Popping and
Return Creases, Mode of Delivery, No Ball and Restrictions on Field Placement of
Article 21 Captains
Article 22 Umpires, Umpire Program, and Umpire Decision
Article 23 Scorers
Article 1 – DefinitionsAs used in this Constitution the term:
SFSCL means South Florida Softball Cricket League
Quorum means fifty-one percent (51%) of SFSCA Membership
Executive Committee, Executive Body or Officers means the President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Sec/Tres.
Membership, Financial Members, Member Team means all teams registered in
the SFSCA with good standings.
Club means either team or club (a club can have more than one (1) team).
Honorary Member can be a team‟s President, Secretary, Treasurer, Manager or
team supporter.
The Executive Committee Members, Players, Umpires and Scorers in a game of Softball
Cricket may be of either gender and this Constitution applies equally to both. The use, throughout the text, of pronouns indicating the male gender is purely for brevity. Except where specifically stated otherwise, every provision of this Constitution is to be read as applying to women and girls equally as to men and boys.
Article 2 – NameThis league shall be known as the South Florida Softball Cricket League, a non-profit
organization, hereinafter referred to as SFSCA.
Article 2.1 – AddressThe principal office of this League shall be the current Executive Secretary‟s address.
Article 2.2 – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of this Organization is January 1st to December 31st.
Article 2.3 – ColorsIts colors shall be green and white.
Article 2.4 – Motto
Its motto is “Keeping the spirit of softball cricket alive and promoting the sport to a higher level”.
Article 3.0 – PurposeThe purpose of the SFSCL shall be to provide a vehicle for the administration of the membership according to the SFSCL Constitution and Softball Cricket Laws and Rules.
Article 3.1 – Objective1. Publicize and promote the sport of Softball Cricket encouraging participation in the SFSCL as participants and spectators ensuring the game is played in a disciplined environment maintaining „absolute fairness‟.
2. Establish relevant policies and procedures.
Article 3.2 – AuthorityThe SFSCL shall exercise the following powers:
1. Designate individuals and teams to represent the SFSCL in local, national and international tournaments.
2. Establish goals and encourage the attainment of those goals in the sport of Softball Cricket.
Article 3.2 – Autonomy
This Organization shall be autonomous in its governance of the SFSCA in that it independently shall determine and control all matters central to such governance, shall not delegate such determination and control and shall be free from outside restraint.
This provision shall not be construed as preventing the League from contracting with third parties for administrative assistance and support, in connection with its purpose and powers.
Article 4.0 – Member
There shall be three (3) types of league membership:
1. Teams – any number of team can join the SFSCL; clubs can have one (1) or more teams join the SFSCL.
2. Players – are added to the through teams or clubs.
3. Honorary Members – are added either through teams or clubs.
Article 4.0.1 – RegistrationEach team or player must complete an SFSCL Registration form and be accepted by the SFSCL prior to becoming a Member of the SFSCL, before they are eligible to play or represent the SFSCL.
Article 4.0.2 – Team
This membership shall be open to all teams or organizations that actively participate in the sport of Softball Cricket.
Article 4.0.3 – Players
Are represented by their individual Teams and their acceptance into the League will entitle them to represent that team or the League.
Article 4.0.4 – Honorary MemberAny person can become an honorary member by submitting a completed applicationrequesting membership into the SFSCL. One can be an honorary member without being a member of a team with approval of the Executive Committee.
Article 4.0.5 - Active Participation
All teams and players involved in any on-going disciplinary actions will be denied permission to participate in any competition or tournament.
Article 4.0.6 – Representation
Each team in good standing (free of any Disciplinary action) shall designate an official registered representative, President, Secretary, Treasurer, Manager, Captain or ViceCaptain or Honorary Member to attend all meetings on matters relevant to the organization at special and general meetings, alternate team members are allowed to sub in an emergency situation.
Article 4.0.7 – Voting Rights
Each team, through their Membership shall be allowed one (1) vote in matters relevant to the SFSCL at special and general meetings.
Article 4.0.8 – FeesThe Executive Committee shall decide the amount of fees for each competition or for the season.
Article 4.0.9 – Agreement
By registering with the SFSCL, each team, player and honorary member agrees to abide with its Constitution.
Article 4.0.10 – Right of RefusalThe SFSCL reserves the right to deny membership of any applicant for just cause.
Article 4.1 – Responsibility
By becoming a member of the SFSCL each member acknowledges the following responsibilities:
1. Meetings – Representatives or their alternate(s) must attend all relevant meetings.
2. Location – Meeting shall be held at the principal office of the Organization or at such other place or places as may be designated from time to time by resolution of the Executive Committee.
Article 4.2 – Order of Business
The order of business at any meeting of the SFSCL shall be:
1. Reading of the last Meeting minutes
2. Adoption of minutes of preceding meeting
3. Matters arising there from correction and omissions
4. Communications and correspondence
5. Report financial
6. New business
7. Adjournment
Article 4.3 – Record Keeping
Designated team representatives must turn in all forms and any other requested information within seventy-two (72) hours of such request.
Article 4.4 – Accuracy
Designated representatives must provide changes that occur to their team for all information kept on file.
Article 4.5 – General ConductWhen attending or participating in any of the SFSCL sponsored activities, either as a player or spectator, all such members should conduct themselves in a manner that is not embarrassing to the SFSCL and that will not bring disrepute to the game of cricket, or to
members of the Membership, Executive Body, or to themselves.
Members are reminded that visitors/guests at some games and events may include local newspaper and television reporters, politicians and other invited community leaders. In the spirit of encouraging the growth and acceptance of Softball Cricket, it is imperative at all times we conduct ourselves with the highest regard and ethics.
Article 5.0 – The Membership
The South Florida Softball Cricket Association shall consist of a Membership comprising of one (1) representative from each team.
1. The Membership serves as liaison between the SFSCA and member team.
2. The Membership plays the most important role in the direction the SFSCA is headed.
3. The Membership shall be responsible for implementing all laws, by-laws and rules governing the SFSCA.
Article 5.1 – Membership Book
The Organization shall keep a Membership Book containing:
1. Names
2. Address
3. Phone Numbers
4. Email Address
Of all Officials, Members, Players and Honorary Members
Article 5.2 – Non-Transferability of Membership
No Members (Club, Teams) may transfer a membership or buy rights arising there from.
All rights of members shall cease upon their termination or expulsion from the SFSCL.
Article 5.3 – Termination of MembersThe membership of a Member (Club, Team) shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
1. If the Organization have provided for the payment of dues by members, upon failure to renew his or her membership by paying dues on or before their due date, such termination to be effective (a date to be fixed by the President), after awritten notification of delinquency is given personally or mailed to such a member by the Secretary of the Organization. A member may avoid such termination by paying the amount of delinquent dues within the time that the President allowed following the member’s receipt of written notification of delinquency.
2. After providing the member with reasonable written notice and an opportunity to be heard either orally or in writing, upon a determination by the Executive Committee that the member has engaged in conduct materially and seriously to the interests or purposes of the Organization. Any member expelled from the Organization shall not receive a refund of dues already paid for the
current dues period. All rights of a member in the Organization shall cease on thetermination of membership as herein provided.
Article 6.0 – Executive Body1. There shall be five (5) officers in the SFSCA Executive Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary/Treasurer.
2. They will conduct the daily operations of the League.
Article 6.1 – Qualifications
Members of the Executive Committee must meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
2. Must be knowledgeable of operating a non-profit organization.
3. Must be knowledgeable of the SFSCA Constitution and the Laws and Rules of Softball Cricket.
4. Shall have competent speaking and writing skills and shall be computer literate in commonly used word processing and spreadsheet applications and be able to use the internet.
5. Must reside in Florida.
6. Must have the ability to communicate by telephone and email.
7. Must not have been subject to any disciplinary action within the past three (3) years.
8. Must be willing and able to spend time on matters relevant to the operations of the SFSCL
9. No Executive Member that caused the SFSCL harm or caused the League to be divided will be able to serve in any such capacity for at least three years.
In addition to the above, the Treasurer:
Must have the ability to maintain the transaction register of a checking/savings account,
reconcile monthly bank statements, prepare budgets and provide reports pertinent to the
management and reporting of the financial affairs of the SFSCL.
Article 6.2 – Responsibilities
President1. The President shall be responsible for the daily operations of the League.
2. Schedules league meetings, umpire training, plans league schedule, arranges insurance, plans finances and oversee the operations of various Committees.
3. The President authorizes all disbursements via email to the Treasurer.
4. The President can attend any Committee/Membership meeting.
Vice President1. Assist President as necessary.
2. Article 6.2 1-3 applicable
3. Shall conduct all public relations affair and make recommendations to the Executive Committee for the implementation of programs to enhance the image and uplift the status of the club with respect to the membership enjoyment of the
4. The Vice-President will assume the duties of the President, enjoying all the rights and exercising all powers of the President in his absence.
5. He shall report directly to the President.
Secretary1. The Secretary shall be responsible for all letters, emails, website information and correspondences on behalf of the League.
2. He shall attend to all correspondence, keep minutes of all meetings and convene all Executive Body meetings and Annual General Meetings.
3. Is the custodian of the SFSCL seal and books
4. It is his responsibility to inform each team as to fixtures and meetings via league website, telephone and email.
5. The Secretary must attend all Executive Committee meeting, participate in any discussion but cannot vote.
6. He shall report directly to the President.
Treasurer1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the SFSCA.
2. Shall keep accurate records of all income and expenditure and shall deposit all monies in a bank in the account name of SFSCL.
3. Shall provide monthly financial reports to the Membership.
4. The Treasurer can attend any Executive Committee meeting, participate in any discussion but cannot vote.
5. He shall report directly to the President.
Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer1. The Assistant Secretary/Treasurer will assume the duties of the Secretary in his absence.
2. The Assistant Secretary/Treasurer will assume the duties of the Treasurer in his absence.
Article 7.0 – Committees
Committees shall exist solely for the duties that they have been created to carry out.
They shall be for both a permanent or temporary basis. No teams shall have more than one member on any committee.
Article 7.1 – Disciplinary CommitteeThe Disciplinary Committee shall consist of five (5) members.
1. Is selected by the General Body
2. Shall adjudicate all complaints and protests
3. Shall report to the President
Article 7.2 – Selection Committee1. Shall consist of the Executive Committee
2. and the League‟s Statistician
Elections shall be held at each Annual General Meeting for the purpose of electing an Executive Body in the month of January. Representatives planning on running for positions must notify the Secretary of the League in writing or email twenty-one (21)
days prior to the General Meeting.
Term of Office: Each term of office shall be for one (1) year.
Article 8.1 – Meetings1. Annual general meetings shall be held no later than the end of January but at least before the start of the new season.
2. The venue, date and time shall be fixed by the Executive Body.
3. Representatives shall be notified at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the said meeting.
Article 8.2 – Quorum of MeetingsA quorum shall consist of 51% of the financial members (Membership, Clubs, and Teams) of the Organization. The members at any meeting at which the required quorum is not present shall consider no business. The only motion that the President shall entertain is to adjourn the meeting.
Article 9.0 – Uniforms
All players of the SFSCL must be fully uniformed at the start of each game and remain so until the completion of the game.
Interpretation: All players of a team must wear full-length trousers of uniform color and a shirt of uniform color. In the absence of his team uniform, a player is permitted to play in all whites.
1. Players not in uniform will not be allowed to participate in the match
Article 9.1 – Logos
A member may not use the SFSCL logo for any purpose other than for being part of his team‟s uniform.
Any other use of the SFSCL logo by a member will be allowed only after written request and written approval by the Executive Body.
Article 10.0 – Limitation of Liability1. The Executive Body shall not be liable for any injury caused or inflicted on anyone during any activity sponsored by SFSCL. Likewise, no member of the SFSCL shall be liable for acts of the organization.
2. The Executive Body may enter into contracts and employ legal and other services necessary in achieving the organization aims.
3. The Executive Body cannot have any business dealings with the SFSCL without first disclosing such dealings to the membership. The Executive Body has the authority to approve or disapprove such business transactions.
Article 10.1 – Limits of Affiliation
This organization will not be directly affiliated with any other organization, but will in conjunction:
For the sole purpose of promoting the sport of Softball Cricket
10.2 Seclusion of the Organization
1. Members‟ activities that distinctly seclude the Organization are strictly prohibited.
These activities include entertaining teams of the Organization or other Organizations.
2. The Organization shall not be held in anyway accountable for the outcome of those events.
Article 11.0 – Amendments
1. Any amendments to this Constitution must be submitted in writing to the President of the SFSCL and a copy to the Secretary of the SFSCL at least one (1) calendar month prior to the next annual general meeting.
2. At its discretion, the Executive Committee may call an Emergency General Meeting and present the proposed amendment for debate and vote. Each team in good standing is allowed one (1) vote.
3. Subject to the power of the members, 51% of the financial membership of this Organization may adopt, amend or repel the Bylaws and new provisions or a unanimous decision of the Membership at a meeting so established.
Article 11.1 – Dissolution1. The properties of this Organization are irrevocably dedicated to the entirety of its members. In the event of dissolution, all it assets (liquid and fixed) remaining after payments or provisions for payments of all debts and liabilities of this Organization shall be determined by at least 51% of its financial members, its final use.
2. Any residual funds shall be donated to recognized charity selected by the Executive Body subject to approval by the General Membership.
3. No member of the organization shall be entitled to the distribution of any remaining assets.
Article 12.0 – General Guidelines1. All games shall be governed by the Constitution of SFSCL and the Laws of Softball Cricket.
2. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to amend these rules, but only prior to the start of the new season.
3. In matters regarding Laws and Rules; when this document does not resolve any issues, the ICC (ODI) One Day International Playing Conditions shall apply.
Article 12.1 – Registration1. A completed registration form must be submitted by each team along with their registration fee at least fourteen (14) days before the start of the competition.
2. Fees shall be paid by cash, check or money order in US funds and made payable to South Florida Softball Cricket League. Registration fees are non-refundable.
3. A team is allowed a roster of twenty (20) players but may add more (see below).
4. Any changes to the initial registration or registration of additional players are permitted only during the first four (4) weeks of the start of any competition.
Teams with less that twenty (20) players are allowed four (4) weeks to fill their roster without penalty; after the initial four (4) weeks of competition all teams will be assessed thirty (30) dollars for every additional player and each additional player must sit out their first two (2) weeks before being eligible to play.
5. Registration is required for each competition played by the SFSCL.
6. In order to play, a player must be registered and any team playing a nonregistered player will automatically lose the match and face disciplinary action.
7. A player may not play with more than one (1) team. Any violation of this rule will result in him not playing in the competition and the team shall face disciplinary action.
8. A player may not transfer from one team to another during a competition. A player being initially registered and not participating in any matches for a team may transfer to another team within the initial four (4) weeks of any competition.
9. Any team found using a player who is not registered or not a member of the SFSCL or under a different name will forfeit the game. This team will be subject to disciplinary action.
10. It is imperative that teams when registering use the correct names together with nicknames or calling-names for all players. SFSCL will not be responsible if statistics or other recognitions are incorrect due to inconsistencies of players‟
names on score sheets or other documents.
Article 13.0 – Disciplinary GuidelinesExemplary behavior and sportsmanship must be exhibited by all players and members at all games. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
The following penalties shall apply to the respective infractions:
1. Physical Assault on an Umpire – Automatic expulsion from the SFSCF
2. Physical Assault on a Member of any of the Committees – Two (2) years suspension and possible expulsion from the SFSCA
3. Physical Assault on a Player – One (1) year suspension and possible expulsion from the SFSCA
4. Verbal abuse of an umpire or of a member of any of the Committees – Fine of $100.00
5. Verbal abuse of another player – Fine of $100.00
6. Deliberate act of knocking down the wicket or throwing the ball – Two (2) games suspension
7. Any act or behavior that brings disrepute to the SFSCA or cricket – Four (4) games suspension
8. Any Captain failing to perform his duty – First offence one (1) game suspension. – Second offence two (2) games suspension and no longer allowed to captain any team
9. Team using unregistered players, player under a different name or suspended player – That team will forfeit the match and also be fined an amount to be determined by the Disciplinary Committee
10. Failure to send in Score Sheet
- The deadline for submitting score sheets is Friday midnight or five (5) days after the match has been completed.
- Teams will be penalized one (1) point from their accumulated winning total foreach score sheet not received on time along with a twenty-five ($25) fine.
- When no winning points are accumulated, points total shall be in arrears.
- All fines shall be paid before any team can continue playing.
- When fines aren‟t paid, all matches scheduled will result in forfeiture.
11. Players failing their responsibility as umpires – Any player selected as an Umpire for his team/SFSCA-UA shall attend all training
- Sufficient notice shall be provided and must accommodate individual‟s schedule.
- Players failing to attend shall result in the team being fined.
Article 14.0 - Complaints and Protests
1. A complaint to the Disciplinary Committee must be filed in writing or emailed ( within three (3) business days of the occurrence and issued a receipt of the filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
2. Relevant information that must be provided in the complaint: date and venue of the occurrence, teams involved, nature of the infraction(s), correct names of players involved and any witnesses, if any.
3. The complaint will be reviewed by the Disciplinary Committee at its next scheduled meeting or sooner depending on the severity.
4. The Disciplinary Committee may, at its discretion, call upon the captain(s) and/or the player(s) involved and/or the witnesses to give account of the incident.
5. Within three (3) days of these meetings, but not later than five (5) days fromsubmittal of the complaint, the Committee shall issue its written recommendation to the captain(s) of the player(s) being penalized.
Article 14.1 – Appeals1. Within two (2) business days of the date of the issue of the disciplinary action, the captain(s) of the team(s) whose player(s)/member(s) were involved in the infraction may appeal by sending written or emailed ( notice of such to the Secretary of the SFSCL and issued a receipt of a filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).
2. The Executive Body shall handle all appeals properly filed.
3. Unless an appeal is filed and under these guidelines, the penalties stipulated by the Disciplinary Committee are final.
Article 14.2 – Disqualification, Suspension or No-shows
1. Any team disqualified from the competition records of any games that were played will remain recorded. Remaining scheduled matches for the competition will result with the opponent awarded six (6) points each. Each club must submit players list for the awarded game for playoff qualifications. This list must be submitted inreplace of a score sheet.
2. The captain/representative whose team has missed two (2) games in a single competition will be asked to appear before the Disciplinary Committee to explain his teams‟ future participation in the remaining competition.
3. A team that has missed (or is unable to field at least seven (7) players in three (3) consecutive games will be deemed to have dropped out of the competition, unless it has received a special waiver from the Executive Body. Registration fees anddues are non-refundable.
Article 15.0 – Official Game (# of Overs)
Article 15.0.1 – Innings1. Innings: A match shall be for one (1) innings of each side.
2. It may be agreed to limit the innings to a number of overs or for a period of time. This shall be applied to both innings.
Article 15.0.2 – Overs1. Each game shall consist of twenty-five (25) overs.
2. It may be agreed to reduce the overs due to unforeseen circumstances in increments of five (5) overs. Both Captains and Umpires must agree.
3. No game shall be less than fifteen (15) overs.
Article 15.0.3 – Weather Affected Games
1. Any match that has become affected by weather must have had the team batting second, bat for at least fifteen (15) overs.
2. The winner will be decided by comparing the run rate of the fifteen (15) overs of the second batting team to the run rate of the twenty-five (25) of the first batting team.
Article 15.0.4 – Abandoned Games
1. Each team will be awarded three (3) points.
2. Both teams must have showed up at the ground.
3. When only one team shows up it will be considered a win for the team that showed up at the ground.
4. The match should not have started.
Article 15.0.5 – No Result Games
1. Each team will be awarded zero (0) points.
2. The match must have been in progress.
3. The team batting second must not have batted past their fifteenth over (see Article 15.0.3).
Article 15.0.6 – Points Awarded
1. Win – The winning teams will be awarded six (6) points
2. Abandoned – Each team will be awarded three (3) points (see Article – 15.0.4)
3. No Result – No points are awarded to either team.
4. Loss – No points awarded to the team that lost.
Article 15.1 – Start of the GameEach game shall start at the 12:30 PM for games indicated on the SFSCA schedule.
Article 15.1.1 – Boundaries and Wickets
1. The host team shall be responsible for having the wickets prepared and the boundaries marked.
2. The boundaries shall be the shape of a circle of a radius of one hundred seventyfive (175) feet from the median of the wickets.
3. Where there are obstructions, e.g. trees, the maximum available distance shall be used.
Article 15.1.2 – Ready to Play
1. The host team shall have pitch prepared and the boundary marked.
2. Failure to complete these preparations it shall be deemed that they have forfeited the match.
Article 15.1.3 – Players Lists
1. The Captain of each team shall exchange their list of twelve (12) players fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled start of the game (12:15 PM).
2. No grace period shall be extended besides those indicated in this Article.
Article 15.1.4 – Coin Toss1. The host team shall toss the coin ten (10) minutes before the scheduled start of the game (12:20 PM).
2. No grace period shall be extended besides those indicated in this Article.
Article 15.1.5 – Grace Penalty
1. If one team is not ready to play, they will lose the toss if applicable and
2. For every five (5) minutes they are late one (1) over will be deducted from the allotted overs they are allowed to bat.
3. All minutes late are rounded to the nearest five (5), e.g. twelve (12) minutes late is two (2) overs and nineteen (19) minutes late is four (4) overs.
Article 15.1.6 – Grace Expiration1. A team that is not ready to play within thirty (30) minutes of the scheduled start(12:30 PM) shall forfeit the game and the opposing team will be awarded six (6) points.
Article 15.1.7 – Number of Players1. A team shall consist of not less than seven (7) players that are ready to play.
Article 15.1.8 – Umpiring Privileges
At the beginning of the game when a team cannot supply an Umpire
1. They shall not be allowed to have a Ruling Umpire later in the game.
2. They shall be allowed to have a Non-Ruling Umpire (Square Leg) only.
Article 15.1.9 – Substitute
1. The match cannot start with a substitute on the field.
Article 15.1.10 – Punctuality
1. Players not present at the start of the match will be given up to the first (1st) interval of the match to show; otherwise they wouldn‟t be allowed to participate.
Article 15.2 – Delays to Start of Game or Resumption of Game
Article 15.2.1 – Lightning
1. No game shall be permitted to start or continue or resume if there is lightning activity in the area of the game.
Article 15.2.2 – Abandoned Game (see Article 15.0.4)
1. Matches that weren’t allowed to start due to bad weather or
2. any other un-foreseen circumstances
3. Will result in the match being abandoned and three (3) points awarded to each team.
Article 15.2.3 – No Result (see Article 15.0.5)
1. If at least one (1) hour has elapsed since the scheduled (re-start) time
2. or poor weather conditions persist to prevent the game from continuing,
3. The game shall be considered a No Result and no points will be awarded.
Article 15.3 – Rescheduling
Article 15.3.1 – Regular Season Game
1. Bad weather has made it unable to play at the scheduled location but another location not affected is available
2. Both Captains must approve and
3. Both teams must notify the President.
Article 15.3.2 – Playoff Games1. All playoff games will be rescheduled if bad weather or ground availability has prevented the game from being played.
2. The Executive Body shall determine the new date, time and venue.
Article 15.4 – Playoffs
The total points accumulated by each team will be used to compute eligibility towards the playoffs.
Article 15.4.1 – Tie BreakerIf two or more teams have the same amount of points, then the following tie breaker will determine final placing in the point standings.
1. If two teams, the winner of the regular scheduled match or, if more than two teams, the winner against all others in the tie.
2. The team with the better run rate throughout the competition.
3. The team that lost the least amount of wickets throughout the competition.
4. The team that bowled the most number of overs throughout the competition.
Article 15.4.2 – Venue
1. All playoff games except the final will be played at the team that has „home ground advantage‟.
2. If your team doesn‟t have a home ground; the League shall decide where the match will be played.
Article 15.4.3 – Start Time1. The Executive Body shall determine the date, time and venue.
Article 15.5 – Intervals
Article 15.5.1 – Break
1. At the end of each team‟s 13th over, a five (5) minutes break for refreshment is allowed.
Article 15.5.2 – Interval
1. A break of ten (10) minutes is allowed between innings.
Article 15.5.3 – Weather Affected Games1. In games that have become affected by weather or change of venue play shall continue uninterrupted.
Article 16.0 – Score SheetsThe score sheets must be sent in to the League’s Statistician no later than five (5) days (Midnight Friday) after the game was played.
Article 16.0.1 – Un-submitted Score Sheets
The following shall take effect should a team fail to submit their score sheet in a timely manner.
1. Team shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25) for each score sheet not submitted.
2. Team shall lose one (1) point from their accumulated winning total for each score sheet not submitted.
3. When no winning points are accumulated; points total shall be in arrears.
4. All fines shall be paid before any team can continue playing. When fines aren‟t paid, all matches scheduled will result in forfeiture.
Article 16.1 – Statistics
The official statistics are those kept by the League Statistician.
1. Players‟ whose statistics aren‟t correct or are missing must have their team submit proof of their accomplishment(s).
2. Score sheets not received within this time frame will result in players‟ statistics not being up to date and may prevent them from being selected to play in other tournaments.
Article 17.0 – Permanent Objects, Obstructions
Article 17.0.1 - Permanent Objects
All permanent objects or obstructions within the playing area that prevents the ball‟s progress to the boundary will not count as a boundary.
Article 17.0.2 – Not OutShall the ball come into contact with any permanent objects or obstructions within the playing area before it is caught by the fielder will not result in the batsman being out.
Article 17.0.3 – Out
A fielder in contact with any permanent objects or obstructions within the playing area except the boundary to take a catch shall result in the batsman being out.
Article 18.0 – Equipment
Article 18.1 – Cricket Ball1. The SFSCL will provide balls for all competitions.
2. No other balls may be used other than those distributed to teams by the SFSCL.
3. The team batting shall provide cricket balls.
Article 18.1.1 – New or Replacement Cricket Ball
1. A new ball is used at the beginning of each innings and at the end of the thirteenth(13th) over or
2. When the ball has become lost, cut or disfigured.
Article 18.2 – Cricket Bats1. Wooden Bats may be used but shall be un-tampered in any manner.
Article 19.0 – Bowling End
The wicket at one end of the pitch shall be designated as the bowlers end and shall remain so until the end of the game.
1. When the established bowling end has become unplayable (determined by Umpires and Captains); the bowlers end may then be changed if possible.
Article 20.0 – Cricket GroundThe ground shall be one where teams of the SFSCL/SFSCL have legitimate right of use.
Article 20.1 – The Pitch1. The distance between the two wickets shall be twenty (20) yards/18.29m in length and a minimum of six (6) feet/1.83m in width.
2. The surface of the pitch shall be grass cut to a uniform playing height or,
3. Loom (clay) evenly distributed.
Article 20.1.1 – Changing the PitchIf the pitch is changed:
1. The match shall continue from where it was interrupted.
2. If the location of the pitch is different the same shall apply as in Article 17.0.1.
Article 20.2 – The Wickets
1. Each set of wickets shall be twelve (12) inches/30.48cm wide and
2. Shall consist of four (4) wooden stumps with two (2) wooden bails on top.
Article 20.3 – The Batting, Bowling, Popping and Return CreasesThe line markings for the creases shall be:
1. The Batting Crease:
One end of the pitch shall be designated as the batting crease. Therefore at the end of every over, the batsmen shall have to change ends.
2. The Bowling Crease:
The bowling crease, which is the back end of the crease markings, shall be the line through the center of the four (4) stumps. It shall be nine (9) feet/2.74m in length, with the stumps in the center.
3. The Popping Crease:
The popping crease, which is the back edge of the crease markings, shall be in front of and parallel to the bowling crease and shall be four (4) feet/1.22m from it. The popping crease shall be marked to minimum of six (6) feet/1.83m on either side of the imaginary line joining the center of the four (4) stumps and shall be considered to be unlimited in length.
4. The Return Creases:
The return crease, which are the inside edges of the crease markings, shall be at right angles to the popping crease at a distance of four (4) feet six (6) inches /
1.37m either side of the imaginary line joining the center of the two (2) middle stumps. Each return crease shall be marked from the popping crease to minimum of nine (9) feet/2.74m behind it and shall be considered to be unlimited in length.
Article 20.4 – Mode of DeliveryUnderarm bowling is the only form permitted. Any delivery that does not confirm to this required action to deliver the ball to the batsman shall result in a no ball.
1. A ball is fairly delivered in respect of the arm if, once the bowler‟s arm has reached the level of his waist in the delivery swing, the elbow joint is not straightened partially or completely from that point until the ball has left his hand.
2. This shall not prevent a bowler from flexing or rotating his wrist in the delivery swing.
Article 20.5 – No Ball
1. A full-pitched delivery (full toss) that passes above the batsman shoulder at his normal standing height shall be called a no ball.
2. A short-pitched delivery (bouncer) that passes above the batsman shoulder at his normal standing height shall be called a no ball.
3. A delivery that is above the batsman shoulder at his normal standing height but has also been adjudged a „wide‟ must be called a no ball. A no ball takes precedence over a wide.
Article 20.6 – Restriction on Field Placement of Fieldsmen
1. At the instant of delivery, there may not be more than five (5) fielders on the leg
2. There shall not be more than two (2) fielders behind square leg at any time.
Article 21.0 – Captains
1. Comprehends the Rules and Laws of Cricket: It‟s the responsibility of the captain that each member of his team is aware of and comprehends the Rules and Laws of Cricket.
2. Score Sheet: It‟s the responsibility of the captain to ensure that the score sheets are completed correctly and submitted within five (5) days after the game has been played to the league‟s statistician. (see Article 16.0)
3. Player Selection: Score sheets not received within this time frame will result in players‟ statistics not being up to date and may prevent them from being selected to represent the SFSCL.
Article 22.0 – Umpires
The SFSCA Umpire Association (SFSCA-UA) shall
1. Officiate all games in the SFSCL
2. Educate and train Umpires and Players the Rules and Laws of the game so that they will exhibit better Sportsmanship.
3. Shall work with the Disciplinary Committee in maintaining fair and honest decisions by Umpires.
4. Shall work with the Disciplinary Committee so Players accept decisions made by Umpires.
Article 22.1 – Umpire Program
Each team is required to submit the names of four (4) of their players or representatives of their team to assist in umpiring SFSCL cricket games.
1. The SFSCA-US will provided training seminars to develop Umpiring skills.
2. Umpires shall be provided the education and training where the statement “An Umpire‟s decision is final” is made with confidence that upholds the values of our sport.
Article 22.2 – Umpire DecisionAny team or player found to be abusive or aggressive towards the umpire(s) during or after the game will be subjected to disciplinary action.
1. Players will be penalized by the Disciplinary Committee for all actions in violation of the Laws and Rules of Cricket.
2. Teams will be penalized by the Disciplinary Committee for all actions in violation of the Laws and Rules of Cricket.
Article 22.2.1 – Correct Decisions
Any team or player All Umpires shall not fail to rebuke a decision, if after momentary reconsideration decides that a decision was in fact made incorrectly, the umpire(s) at that instant shall indicate any change in their previous judgment.
Article 23.0 – ScorersEach team shall provide a Scorer(s)
1. These Scorers shall be the Official Scorers of the match.
2. The Scorers should sit alongside each other at a location where they may best communicate with the Umpire(s) and can compare and check their scoring for correctness.
3. Should both Scorers disagree and that this disagreement can change the outcome of the game; they should both agree to halt the game and along with the Umpires seek the correct the issue.
4. They should in no other instance object to the Umpiring of the match.
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