Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hustlers 2 v Warriors next game Round 6

Hustlers 2 meet Warriors CC in their next league game at 199 street.

After last weeks big loss to Berbice, the Hustler squad will need to get back on track and show they still have some top performances left in them before the regular season ends.

Good news of the week is Ravi has now admitted that his shoulder is not as bad as it was but his ankle is still bruk up. By the looks of it we need to ask him if the rest of his body is fit as well.......

Hustlers captain Chris has also taken up a new hobby this week. He has decided to give up meat and all forms of alcohol indefinitely. No more drinking for the British as he finally realises that waking up on monday mornings with a cat 9 hangover is not a good feeling even though it has taken him since 2007 to admit that. Good luck skipper. We will see if that change is permanent !!!!

Everybody is more than welcome to come out and support the Hustler team once again as they head out to Miami Gardens this weekend.

The management would also like the players to be on their best behaviour saturday night and all be in bed before 11pm. No more late nights wondering where you are and how did you reach home please.

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