Friday, March 29, 2013

Points after Round 6 Division 2

Team          Played     Won     Lost  Tied   Points

Raiders        6              6          0       0        36

Berbice        6              5          1       0        30
Vikings        6              4          0        2       30
Hustlers       6              3           2       1       21
Takers         6              3           2       1       21
Diamond      5              3           2        0      18
Starlite         5              2           3        3      12
Warriors      6              3           3        0      18
Guyana        6              2           4        0      12
Miami          6              2           4        0      12
Renegades   6              0           6        0       0
Lehigh          6              0           6       0        0

After 6 regular games played Hustlers 2 find themselves holding onto a playoff position with more big games still to come. Either way, the Hustler team will have to step up their weekly performances if they harbour any playoff ambitions of their own. Big games against Raiders, Takers, Guyana Heat, Starlite and D Diamond are still scheduled to play and the Hustler squad will have to dig in deep to their vast experience if they want to prolong their season.


  1. Your team is not good enough to reach the finals. maybe next season you will but not this need good bowlers.

  2. Not enough batsmen scoring in this team to.
