Friday, December 19, 2014

2015 Spring Season Changes

These are the changes that teams can expect in the 2015 Spring Season;

1.Each inning will be 30 overs instead of 25 overs
2.There will be 8 overs power play at the beginning of each inning.
3.The start time for all games will be 12 Noon.
4.Mandatory ball change at 15 overs.
5.Team will have 2 hours 30 minutes to bowl the 30 overs this include the 5 minutes break.
6.Each bowler will be allowed a maximum of 6 overs.
7.Water Break 5 minutes at the end of the 15th over.
8.Teams who do not complete their allotted overs can be penalized.

Any change in the SFSCL will have it's supporters for and supporters against. I personally think this is a good idea.

However, I would suggest the league hold off from implementing this change during the Spring season simply because the Florida Cup is played under 25 and 20 over innings for the All Star comp and Masters respectively, unless the Florida Cup matches plan on being the same allocated overs this time around.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

2014 Year Review

Sal and the rest of the governing body all did a fine job over the last 12 months culminating in different Champions in both divisions. People should not forget that everything they do will not always be perfect but they do everything voluntarily as their commitment to the league far outweighs all the other issues people seem to throw at them. It is not an easy position to fill but I applaud all of them for the time and effort they donate to the league and it's affairs. Hopefully, if they carry on, they try and improve on all the good work they have started or at least leave the league in a stronger position from when they took over. Either way, they deserve recognition from all of us for their time dedicated to softball cricket in Florida. Thanks guys.

The Hustlers 2 team endured a tough year with players arriving and also players leaving. Promises of players joining not materializing as anticipated but we still managed to end up in the Spring Div 2 Final where we lost to the Warriors team that was packed with Div 1 calibre players just for that one off season.

Division 1 was an experience for most as availability was very poor throughout but we still managed to see out the Summer season as a team but finished 2nd from bottom in the table with only 2 wins, one being a forfeiture win. The league needs to look at how many teams should get promoted and relegated for the future and betterment of the league in my opinion. The Champions should automatically go up as the only team.

The third and final season saw us once again struggle to raise an 11 every week but we still reached the Div 2 semi final where we were beaten by the eventual Champions Lehigh  CC. Our whole playing squad comprised of only 14 players  for all the season of which 2 of them never qualified for the playoffs. It was indeed a tough season for us all.

The third season saw the introduction of the power play 30 yard zone for the first time in the SFSCL and after much deliberation about whether it would work or not, we all accepted it as a great success. Batsmen were throwing wood like there is no tomorrow in the first 6 overs where possible and bowlers began to use their heads trying to bowl tighter lines. It was a great addition and success to our game in South Florida. All the captains of the teams now would have to be more proactive with their field settings. No more 8 men on the boundary  before the first 6 overs were bowled !!!!

If a change was necessary in the league in the future then I believe any leg side delivery should be called a wide automatically. Bowlers intentionally target legside bowling to negate attacking shots on the offside. Not only will this improve the accuracy of our bowlers but it would also make batsmen play through the offside rather than woodchopping it over the legside side like they are cuttting cane. It just a thought guys, don't beat me up on the suggestion as I know a lot of batsmen can't play offside cricket at present and a lot of bowlers can't bowl 6 good balls outside the off stump either.Trust me,this would definitely improve both batting and bowling standards for the future.

The Annual Awards Presentation night is a great idea but in reality it is too boring for guests to sit there for 4 hours watching cricketer after cricketer going up and down all night collecting awards. Instead of collecting individual awards, why not call up teams awards all at once, give them all their awards in one shot and only save the batting, bowling, all rounder top players and Championship teams awards for the end. This way there is plenty of time for the guests to eat, drink, and dance for a few hours instead of the customary 30 minutes before it's time to get out?

What are your thoughts about anything else you think would improve our game?
Reduction of overs to 20 in the Summer season?
Neutral umpires from outside the SFSCL for all final games?
Forming a saturday league?
The league designating a  monthly Friday night game for 2 of the top sides at the stadium to help promote the game?
Presentation awards night only for bowlers, batsmen, all rounder of the seasons, and Championship teams?

Having been through another 12 months of cricket with varying degrees of success for the Hustler 2 squad, I would just like to say we all still managed to have fun in the park every sunday no matter what the result was. Our team in my eyes, is one of the best to be with not only for the fun and jokes, but also for the way we play on the field. We won't let any decision going against us cause us to argue like some other teams would do when the result is not going their way and that is why my team is always going to be a Champion team irrespective of where we finish in our division.

Championship teams are not only the ones who lift up the silverware at the end of the season.........My team will always be CHAMPIONS for the way we conduct ourselves off the field and also the way we play the game every week on it.


Monday, December 15, 2014

25,000 Visitors

The Hustlers players and management would like to thank all of our 25,000 visitors for viewing our site since 2012 as we reached this important milestone.

We try to give our recent team score sheets and match reports, local news, and also league info as it happens here and really do appreciate all the input from all the posters who take the time and effort to visit us. We try and be as partial as possible and enjoy hearing from other readers from across the globe and hope to see your messages continuing regulary here.

Thanks again to all the posters as we look forward to another year of league action in the SFSCL starting next month.

Hustlers CC Fall Champions

Hustler 1 Fall Champions
Congratulations to the Hustler cricket club and all of their supporters for winning the Fall 2014 Div 1 Championship yesterday.

They have now won back to back Division titles after gaining victory in their latest final with a win against their biggest rivals Hurricanes CC. Kudos to Subash and David as well as their troops for a well deserved victory once again.

Meanwhile in the other final, Lehigh CC beat President CC in a low scoring thriller of a game to become Div 2 Champions.Ex H2 player Sanko was MVP with his outstanding bowling and batting efforts for his team.

Sanko Churaman MVP LCC Div 2
Most of the H2 squad were at the finals yesterday all enjoying the sun, games, jokes, and most importantly a few drinks well into the evening as per normal. Everybody had a good time catching up with other players from other teams in the SFSCL cracking stories as the "FILE CABINET" was continuously topped up with a vast array of alcoholic beverages right up until hometime by the usual suspects from H2. Beers somehow graduated into Vodka as the file cabinet displayed great skill in transforming the shape of the bottles and contents......

Recruitment started early yesterday with players being asked what team they are playing for next year but everybody at H2 will be back next season maybe better, maybe stronger, definitely older, and raring to crack open another drink as they don the H2 colors once more in the SFSCL.

The SFSCL put on a great finals day and the turnout was superb. A special mention must go out to  all the governing board members for all their hard work and time spent throughout the year involving all league matters to make sure everything ran trouble free in the past 12 months.

Happy holidays everybody.
Be safe and enjoy the festivities.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Hustlers 2 CC will be hosting Lehigh CC this sunday in the Zone B Div 2 Fall semi final game at Lauderhill Middle School (aka The Yard) for a game start time of 12 30pm.

All spectators are more than welcome to come along and support their respective favorite team. With plenty at stake and 2 good teams vying for a win, this promises to be a must watch game for all concerned.

Gates open at 9am.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Playoff Semi Final Schedule Fall 2014

Division 1 Schedule : 12-07-14

  • Hustlers CC vs United CC
  • OutLaws CC vs Hurricanes CC 

    Division 2 Schedule : 12-07-14

    • President CC vs Berbice CC
    • Hustlers 2 CC vs Lehigh CC

    Playoff games are nearly upon us as we come to the ending of the Fall season for 2014. Which teams are the most fancied ones to progress to the finals? Are there any clear favourites in the 4 scheduled games?

    H2 have had a tough season throughout with trying to get 11 fit able bodied players all on the field at the same time since Game 1 so to reach the semi final stage is a big achievement alone for us. Just reaching this stage is already our final.

    Somehow, we managed to get through the division as the number 4 seed and then surprisingly beat the number 1 seed Vikings CC team from Zone B in the quarter finals with a comprehensive win.

    What are your thoughts guys? Who do you think will go all the way ?

Ground Security Already in Place

The H2 team management have already put into action a 24/7 round the clock guard to watch over their field for this sundays semi final game.

Feel free to give him a visit if you want to.

Outlaws v H2 Friendly Roundup

In a hastily arranged friendly game played yesterday between both sides, we were able to give Outlaws a good warm up for their semi final game to be played next week.

Availability was poor for the H2 team and last minute calls were made to ensure 11 players of varying standards were able to take the field and give the Outlaws team a game.

The game itself was not a close contest but still enabled the Outlaws batsmen to get some time in at the wicket as they totalled around 190 in 20 overs. H2 finished on 143 for 9 in 20 overs that was well short of the required target. Ravi, John, and Basil all scored good runs to go into next weeks semi final game in some nice form.

H2 would like to thank Ramesh, Mikey, Ryan, Ravi, Ram, Carl for helping us out to field a side as well as Anoop and his squad for the game. Many thanks for the additional bonus food provided also.  As always the H2 team made sure they had enough liquid refreshments to keep them going well into the darkness as they did their usual sunday best to keep up their not out score of finished beers count increasing for the season.

Next week sunday is semi final day when H2 face Lehigh CC at the bouncy castle batting and bowling wicket at The Yard.