Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hustlers 2 get the walkover against Renegades.

Hustlers 2 got the 6 points and the win after Renegades CC forfeited their latest fixture in the SFSCL.

Hustlers now have 3 wins out of three games and couldn't ask for a better start to the season. However, only the 3rd week of games in the league and we see a team allowing a walkover simply because they could not field an 11 to start the game.

When is the league going to realise that this should not be allowed to happen and teams must be penalised with either a big fine or a reduction of points. Teams already are stretched with their lack of numbers on their team and continously allowing new teams to form and weaken exisiting teams numbers will continue unless something is done pretty soon.

New teams should always be encouraged to join the SFSCL for expansion but not at the cost of existing teams and their playing staff. The league needs to get more proactive and take 3 seasons registration at the beginning of the year for all new teams wanting to join the SFSCL to ensure they are here to stay and not just for a one season hit.

Renegades have been around the league for many years now and hope they continue to play every sunday but through no fault of their own they simply do not enough players to honor a regular season game after just 3 weeks of the season start.

The SFSCL ruling body need to do something pretty quick otherwise more teams will follow suit and end up only playing half of their regular season games and impacting all the other teams vying for a playoff position.

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