Friday, November 14, 2014

Double Header Sunday

Hustlers 2 will play 2 games this coming sunday to finish off the regular season schedule.

First of all they will play Unlimited CC at 9am followed by Lehigh in the afternoon with both games to be played at the Yard.

Two games for anybody on the same day is tough but for Hustlers 2 and their aging squad, it will be even tougher. Not only will we have fatigue issues but we will have an even bigger problem with what time to load the coolers up. Will the ice last or melt before the second game is over? Will the drinks outlast the ice? These really are big questions for us.

Two sets of food means two rounds of eating for us as well. Two sessions of after match liquid refreshments means our average intake of liquids will double meaning our friendly neighbourhood store owner will be banking some extra dollars from us this sunday.

Whatever way we look at this coming sunday and how tough it will be for us, we will do our best to honor both games and try and drink moderately in our 12 hour timeframe.


  1. 12 hour session ...... hahahaha

  2. Hope Mr. Classic put his chiropractor on payroll fuh this game....I took monday off....not for my old bones but the 12 hrs session...Cheers, Deo

  3. Go Hustler 2 ,,,, I'll be there rooting for you guys.

  4. British looks white in that pic above...
    How you guys make out?

  5. We lost the first game to Unlimited and won the second one against Lehigh Indians.

    Today (Monday), we have 8 men down all complaining of back pain, arm problems, stiff neck, and leg issues.
    However, our throats still managed to function correctly after the games and stayed well lubricated.


  6. Funny mate. Lehigh Indians? That eat man from there came down?
